If like me you live with a cat who is terrified of fireworks, here are some tips to help with the stress of it all.
- On the run up to firework night it’s worth investing in a plug- in that will help to calm your cat, I use Feliway and also Pet Remedy plug-ins both are available online and from most vets. Feliway is just for cats and gives off a pheromone which helps calm and make your cat feel happier. Pet Remedy is for all pets, so useful if you have other pets in the house, it gives off scents of natural calming herbs and plants. I have used both and can’t really decide which one I prefer, Feliway is more expensive and doesn’t seem to last as long but as it’s just for cats I feel it maybe better, but Pet Remedy smells more interesting and lasts about 10 days longer, so I have one of each in different areas of my home.
- As the fireworks normally start when it gets dark you may think about feeding your cat in daylight if that’s possible. Cats can be so stressed by the noise they won’t eat.
- If possible stay in with your cats, they will feel better with you nearby.
- Draw curtains and turn the TV up to hide the noise and lights of the fireworks, especially if you have to go out and leave them alone.
- If your cat goes off and hides in the house, leave them be, us fussying over them will only make things worse.
- Make sure the catflap is locked and you have a litter tray to hand, make sure this tray is not near windows if possible.
- Always invest in a microchip for your cat even if your cat never goes out, imagine if they got out and panicked and got lost!
- Lastly chat to your vet about medication for cats with serious firework anxiety problems.
Here’s to a purrfect firework event for the whole family. x