Have you ever wondered why cat behave the way they do? Cats are often a mystery to us humans, this new book can prepare you to enter the mind of your feline and help you understand how they see, smell and hear the world.
Celia Haddon a best selling cat author and cat expert has written this new book with veterinary behaviourist Prof. Daniel Mills, together they will take you into your cat’s mind and look at the latest scientific research and explain how your cat experiences the world we live in.
This book examines the cat by explaining what it’s like physically, psychologically and emotionally to be a cat.
The book is written in such a way that is comes across as though you are reading it to your cat and therefore it is easy for us mere humans to understand 🙂 This also makes it a charming book to read and fun. There are many feline behaviour books around and some can be a heavy read, which can put cat owners off reading, but this book is very engaging and the information easy to digest.
I particularly enjoyed the chapters about being a kitten, chapters on the different feline senses but most of all the chapter called “What You As A Cat Want, Choice and Control” It’s becoming much more common for behaviourists and cat educators to talk about giving cats a choice and control in their lives and treatment, this may sound funny to most cat owners as we often think cat do what they want anyway, but every cat is different and has it’s own individual personality and just because one cat likes to be treated in a certain way, doesn’t mean all cats do, for example being fussed and cuddled, being picked up, held like a baby, dressed up (i’ve never met a cat who loved this apart from a Sphynx who suffered from the cold). There is no one size fits all when it comes to cat happiness. Cats deserve our respect, the same as any family member. As a pet cat, cats need humans who accept them as they are and not force them to behave in a way that makes them unhappy and stressed.
Many cats may not wish to be lap cats but prefer to be nearby while others are like limpets and would stay on you all day and night 🙂
I enjoyed this book very much and recommend it to all cat owners especially new inexperienced owners, but also experienced owners as there is always new things to discover about our feline friends.
I was sent this book from Octopus Publishing for an honest review and is available from all the usual places.
Until next time, love and purrs Rachel & Lola xxx