People often ask me why I love cats so much, I’ve been working with them or for them for over 20 years now and living with them for longer and they always fascinate and make me laugh…..
I often remember going to my now husband’s home to meet his Mum and the family cat Tiger. Tiger had been a stray that just wandered into their lives and never left. Tiger always sat at the dinner table and would sit on her own chair and tap me gently when she wanted me to know she was waiting for food, she wanted some of my dinner….I’m sure Tiger put a spell on me as I was a dog person before I met her….

A great example of how cats make me smile and laugh is when people get a cat for the first time and I go to meet them. Owners often tell me that they have cat rules for the house and they would appreciate me sticking to them. These rules often include no sleeping on the owners bed at night, no scratching the furniture, no sitting on the sofa and the cat being allowed only certain rooms at night or when the owners are out. It often makes me smile and when I look at the cat I just know these rules will soon be forgotten and all changed by the time I return again for more cat sitting duties 🙂
A few months later when I return all the rooms are open, the sofa is covered in cat hairs and possibly scratched and the cat always sleeps with the owners at night 🙂 When I question the owners, they often say “oh it’s a cat, they do what they want don’t they?” I see this scenario all the time!
When we took Lola on, we never had any rules because we knew she would do as she wanted….. Mr Ringo was not supposed to be allowed in the spare room, but then it miraculously became “Ringo’s Room!” Our first two cats weren’t supposed to be in our bed at night but that lasted about a week!
I love how most of my cat sitting clients slowly add new cat resources to their (or the cat’s) homes. You can never have enough cat beds, cat toys and water fountains and cat trees etc. Some of my best cat homes look like cat cafe’s! All fantastic for the cats!
A recent cat sitting client sent me a photo of their cat helping with the jigsaw over the Christmas period!

Lola always makes me laugh when she’s outside but returns indoors to use the litter tray and then goes outside again, but to be honest it’s nice that she feels safe and secure to only toilet inside and I can keep an eye on her toileting habits and she obviously loves her clean litter trays!
She’s also funny when I put food down that she doesn’t fancy as she walks away and swipes my feet! She’s such a madam!
I hope on this Valentine’s Day you are all enjoying your time with loved one’s whether they are human or feline!
Happy Valentine’s Day from Rachel and Lola! xxxx