This is my first book read in 2021 and I really hope the rest of my reading this year is as good.
Being a cat obsessed book worm I have probably read most of the feline themed books available, some good and some not so good. This book is different, it includes conversations with many cat experts all from different fields of the feline world. All of the conversations were very different and all of them fascinating and engaging.
Many of the people featured I had knowledge of and I was interested in finding out more about them. This book features to name just a few: Cat Expert Jackson Galaxy, therapy cat London, the cat man of Aleppo and Animal Communicator Penelope Smith.
There are 16 different conversations in total, plus lots of information and stories from Anita herself, being an experienced Feline Behaviourist Anita certainly knows her stuff.
As a cat sitter it was interesting to hear some stories of her cat sitting experiences which were often heartfelt and poignant.
I can’t say which were my favourite conversations as they were all fascinating and they have made me want to read more about certain people and ideas.
Some of the conversations were hard to read as extremely sad and others were lovely and warming.
I recommend this book to all cat lovers and really hope it sells well as educating more people in feline matters is so beneficial to cats welfare.
This book is available on kindle and in paper form from the usual places.