It’s that time of year again and Mr Ringo has asked me to write a blog to give you some ideas for gifts for your cats or cat loving friends –
Kedi – the film

If you love films with cats in and don’t mind subtitles, then this film is just delightful. Moving and magical with the most beautiful soundtrack that just oozes feline charm – available from Amazon.
Jackson Galaxy’s Airwand

Jackson Galaxy is a cat expert from America who has designed some great cat toys and this Airwand cat toy is wonderful, you can clean it easily and attach a new toy if your cat “kills” it and retract it up to fit in your bag…….just purrfect! Available from Amazon.
Pet Remedy

Pet Remedy is my Mr Ringo’s favourite calming plug in, useful for both cats and dogs and it smells more natural than other plugs in for cats. Useful at stressful times in the home…. available from Amazon and most good pet shops.
Kat Pearson designs

I love a cat themed Christmas bauble for my tree (so does Ringo!) These charming handmade cats are from Kat Pearson Designs, her website is really worth a look as she has many cat themed items all handmade……
My Life in a Cat House by Gwen Cooper

Gwen Cooper’s new book called My Life in a Cat House is a wonderfully written collection of entertaining and touching short stories. Each story is special and covers many situations that all cat people will identify with. This book will make you laugh out loud and cry…. available from Amazon.