As many of you know, I love to take photographs of the cats that I look after. Cat people adore seeing photographs of cats especially their own adored felines, Instagram is all about cats…..right? Imagine my delight when I came across a wonderful photographer who specialises in capturing feral felines in stunning black and white photos. Sabrina Boem is a photographer who started taking photos of her own cats and later began photographing a local feral cat colony in Italy. Imagine how difficult it must be to take pictures of feral cats….. its hard enough trying to get a photo at home. As soon as my iphone appears from my bag its a sure sign for the cat to run!
The feral cats that Sabrina photographs are living outdoors and free in a feral colony in a park and are looked after by 2 cat sanctuaries. I first discovered Sabrina on Instagram and found her photographs simply both stunning and breathtaking. I just love black and white cat photography, it just makes the cats even more beautiful. Sabrina has made it her mission to show the world the wild beauty in these felines. You won’t find fluffy , cosy and romantic cat poses but true natural feline reality. Rest assured there isn’t any upsetting photos just what Sabrina sees. Sabrina wants to raise awareness for ferals and show them respect for the wonderful and dignified animals that they are.
Sabrina has certainly given me inspiration to challenge how I photograph cats and her photographs continue to wow me each time I look at them.
If you would like to know more about Sabrina and her book called The Invisibles please click here
Sabrina can also be found on Instagram: sabrina_boem_photography
Facebook: sabrina boem the catographer

Photograph by Rachel
This blog is an honest review and Rachel did not receive any monies or freebies for writing this post. x