My work as a cat sitter has had many funny moments over the years and I would love to share some with you…..
- Calling for a cat in the garden when they have unusual names for example : Pompey, this always gets an answer from a neighbour, usually “Blue Army! Blue Army!” other names I’ve had to call include Rasputin, Satan, No balls (yes really!) and more recently Trump a gorgeous ginger male.
- Being accused of cat stealing by a concerned neighbour who saw me pick up a cat in the street and take it back home, the cat being very vocal was not happy and decided to tell the whole street. The cat was an indoor only cat due to being deaf but had managed to get out of the home when a cleaner entered the house. Not funny at the time.
- My car’s aircon breaking due to a hairball! The fur from my clothes must have got into the system.
- Mr Ringo found in the house of a cat client that lived in my road, I’m not sure who was more surprised Mr Ringo or me! The client was highly amused when I told her as she thought her cat was overeating.
- People’s homes being full of cats enjoying the cat food and empty home while people are away, non microchipped cat flaps are a problem sometimes…..
- Telling someone I have found a dead mouse in a flat with an indoor cat, a cat will always find mice…..
- Meeting a potential client to discover its a cat that belongs to someone else I know, cat was always visiting other homes…..
- Entering someone’s home to visit a cat to find an elderly neighbour who had had a row with his wife, asleep on the sofa with cat on top! He had a spare key and wife had told him to leave in middle of the night! My client wasn’t that surprised when I called her and explained I was a cat sitter and that wasn’t really what I agreed to.
I hope you enjoyed my cat sitting tails and hope you are all staying safe and healthy. Hopefully we can all get back to some normality this year and start to go away again.
Love and Purrs Rachel & Mr Ringo xxxx
Tagged With: cat names, cat sitting funnies, hairballs, neighbours