Mr No Ears is a book that will touch all cat lovers. It is the simple story of an amazing feral cat in Albufeira Portugal and how he charmed so many people. He lost both ears and an eye at a young age but lived most of his life with his cat family, free and happy. His impact in his local town made people come together to highlight the hard lives feral cats have. A TNR program was started and his colony were neutered and any medical issues addressed. Sadly Mr No Ears is no longer with us (some mystery surrounds his passing), but his legacy lives on in this heart-warming book and also the building of “The Mr No Ears Rescue and Retirement Cat Sanctuary”
His mission was simple, to highlight the lives of stray and feral cats around the world and how TNR and providing feeding stations can benefit both cats and humans. Proceeds from the sales of the book will go towards the Trap-neuter-Return costs and medical expenses of the street cats of the Algarve.
This book is available from Amazon and other retailers