Honeysuckle Cat Toys products are the latest in cat entertainment, you can get them in slices, slabs or ground wood inside pillows or kicker type toys. I heard about them via social media and decided Mr Ringo was due a product review……..

Catnip is soooo yesterday! Tatarian Honeysuckle is soooo meow!
Mr Ringo
As you can see from the video below Mr Ringo loves his new toy and I will be ordering a kicker type toy next. I love that the wood slabs can be freshened up again by gentle sanding and the scent can be brought out even more with a drop of water (this will help remove cat saliva too!)
Tatarian Honeysuckle is the only species of Honeysuckle that has an effect on cats. If your cat has no reaction to catnip, you may be surprised that the cat loves this product. These toys are very durable and I think reasonable in price. It is also great that the wood is natural and the products support a British Company. If you take a look at their website you can even see a Lynx enjoying the wooden slabs.
Rachel did eventually take the wrapping away for safety
This review is an honest account of my experience with Ringo and the product. I did not receive this product free in return for a review. Meowsers!