I’ve been cat sitting now for over 16 years and as you can imagine my days have been filled with hundreds of felines of all breeds, sizes, ages and colours…..they all have their wonderful personalities and funny ways, but ginger cats seem to be in a league of their own…. a league of mischief makers!
Macavity, Macavity, there’s no one like Macavity!
I suppose I maybe a little bias because Mr Ringo is ginger but they are such mischief makers. Everyone living on our side of the road or the people living in the houses that back on to our garden, know Ringo…. its a bit embarrassing to be honest. I have often felt like the school Mum who’s son is the classroom clown or worse thief!
Over the years Mr Ringo has emptied fish ponds, helped himself to neighbours BBQs, invaded their homes and even stayed the night! He’s wandered into neighbours kitchens and helped himself to their juicy tuna steaks! All very awkward when you are trying to run a professional cat sitting service……
But when a crime’s discovered, Macavity’s not there!
Another thing that makes me smile, is when chatting to new clients, people often mention another cat coming in their house. My reply to them is often to ask if its ginger and nearly all the answers are yes but how did I know? Gingers just seem to think they can enter any house and make themselves at home! Gingers can be fighters too and I met many a ginger when I worked at The Cat Clinic with war wounds, often returning week after week and these cats were neutered…

I often think about putting a tracker collar on Mr Ringo to see where he goes, but then do I really want to know? He also seems to be entering his senior stage and just enjoys looking out the window, watching the neighbours, bird watching, until he sees another cat in his garden that is….