The Trainable Cat
When I first heard about this book, I was a little sceptical to say the least but when I realised it was written by cat experts Sarah Ellis and John Bradshaw I became intrigued and put it on my wish list. The book stayed on my to read pile for a while and earlier this month I decided to start reading it as I had started my feline behaviour course and wanted some additional feline reading.
I have to say I found it very readable, interesting and couldn’t put it down…..
This book explains how a cats mind works and why they act like they do, it explains how we can help them by training to cope better with situations that can and do stress them out. They are frankly control freaks and hate being out of their comfort zone, training using this book can help them. The book covers how to introduce cats to other cats, dogs and babies. It also gives advice on how you can train a cat to use a cat flap, get in a cat carrier, and get on better at the vets. Claw trimming, grooming and tablet giving is also covered.
My favourite part of the book covers feline behaviours that are less appealing to us like hunting and scratching the curtains etc, it suggests many environmental enrichments which we can do to mentally stimulate the feline mind for example agility, hunting games with cat toys and sensory boxes for cats to investigate. All of these ideas are easy and cheap to do.
My cat Mr Ringo is 14 years old next month and I wish I had this book when he was younger but I’m still going to try some things. I recommend this book to anyone with a cat or thinking of getting one, especially a kitten as they learn so quickly.
This book is available from Amazon and other online book retailers.