- If your cat could talk to you, I’m sure there’s a few things he would like you to know…..
- Water bowls, never keep the water bowl next to the cats food bowl, your cat will most likely never drink from it and would much prefer the water bowl away in a totally different place in the home. Better still have various water bowls around the home, garden or catio. In the wild a cat would never drink from water near a food source as it will often be contaminated. Our cats have never forgotten this even though they are domesticated. Mr Ringo has 3 water bowls in stainless steel in the home, upstairs and downstairs and 3 in the garden. I like to encourage him to drink as he has kidney disease. He doesn’t like water fountains but many cats do, so maybe try one for your cat?
- Litter trays, although many of us like a tidy covered litter tray, many cats would rather have an open one. Covered trays hide many things including a dirty tray and odours, and its very easy for the owner to just forget to clean it as often as your cat would like. The tray should be looked at twice a day and any deposits taken away. How would you like to use a dirty toilet everyday? Cats living in multi cat households also have the added stress of using an already dirty tray and can often be attacked by other cats when leaving a covered tray. Really stressful, when you just want to use the toilet in peace.
- Most older cats suffer from some degree of arthritis, so if you notice your cat is not moving as quickly and easily as he once did then a chat with your vet is recommended. You can as an owner make life easier for your cat in the home. Provide ramps and other items like footrests to help your cat get up or down easier. We have recently provided a ramp for Mr Ringo in the garden and near his cat tree in the home. He also has a stool to help him access the bed easier, he seems much happier.
- In multi cat households allow your cats to be fed away from each other. They may currently eat together now and yes it may look cute, but feeding time can be very stressful for your cats especially if they are hungry. Cats fed together are often just tolerating the situation as they have no choice, why cause them stress when you don’t need too?
- Lastly if you notice any differences in your cats behaviour however small, get it checked out with your vet. Any changes can be a sign of illness especially if eliminating away from the litter tray or stops eating or suddenly becomes aggressive towards other family members (human or animal)

I hope you found this blog helpful lots of love and purrs Rachel and Mr Ringo xxx