Before you all jump to the conclusion that Rachel the cat sitter pops cat pills, let me explain. During my time running Portsmouth Cat Sitting the one big thing that cat owners worry about is giving medication to their cat, especially when they go away. Let’s face it no cat is going to let you put a pill down their throat in the comfort of their own home the easy way! I know your cat lets the vet do it nice and easy, but cats know the quicker they take the pill at the vets the quicker they get home! Once home, well they can plan their revenge on you if they wish…..
I have a confession to make, my cat is so easy to tablet, he just lets me put it down and he eats it like a treat, even antibiotics! I need to video it as no one believes me. But many cats are near impossible to give pills to, so here are my tips….
If the pill can be crushed (check with your vet first) hide in wet food, nice smelly wet food to hide any smell of medication.
If this fails keep the pill whole and hide in cheese, cheese can be easily moulded over a pill.
I have also hidden pills in tuna balls, just moulded with my fingers. If your cat is on a wet food with chunks in, cut a small slit in the chunk and hide the pill there, you may have to repeat a few times and only give a little at a time to make sure pill has been eaten.
If all this fails don’t give up, there are craftier ways fear not! Putting a few treats in your palm and adding a pill can sometimes work, the cats eat the treats and pill, but of course too many treats is not really recommended especially if the cat is on a special diet. Using a pill popper or wrapping the cat in a towel sounds helpful but is very difficult to do if you are alone and also stresses cat and human alike. In my experience I have had cats that will let me give pills orally but many more that won’t.
Ok finally I have one tip that always seems to work (I saved the best till last!), they are called Lick-e-lix and cats love them!! They are sachets of tasty gravy, salmon or chicken flavour, a kind of yoghurt treat. You tear them open and pop a drop on your palm with pill hidden in gravy and let your cat lick it up, you may need to do this a few times but it works a treat! A lovely vet gave me this tip and it has made my job much easier. You can get them from most good pet shops and they are cheap! I’m posting a photo to help you find them.
Good luck and hope this helps Cat Lovers (& pill poppers!)
Rachel xxx