Mr Ringo was very honoured to be allowed to recently interview a local celebrity. Rooney the cat and CEO of Southsea Model Village. Here’s the transcript of that exclusive scooper!
Mr Ringo- “Hey Rooney Dude! How you Purring?”
Rooney- “ Meowsers Ringo! I’m feline fine thanks, I’m really busy supervising the two legs getting the village in purrfect shape for the summer season. I’m looking forward to seeing all the two legs and their human kittens again. It’s been a long old winter and hibernation for most of the two legs”
Mr Ringo- “Meow, that’s fab! Yeah I’m busy neow too, ensuring the cat sitting biz is ready to visit all of my people, when the two legs can go on holiday again, staycations are GO!”
Rooney- “What do you do all day then Ringo?”
Mr Ringo- “well my two legs runs Portsmouth Cat Sitting, so I keep a check that all is running up to my high standards and then sleep on the laptop all day, catting the phone and spying on the neighbours. I also do quality inspections of the treat supplies. I have to do scent inspections too, I need to know which cats Rachel has been to and if enough treats and fuss has been given out! It’s exhausting and I need to sleep a lot to keep my energy levels up”
Rooney- “Yes I bet Ringo, all those scents to smell and you need to leave your mark too, it’s very labour intensive! I need to always be inspecting the village, especially when it’s quiet, keeping the foxes and local birds in check and the dogs when the village is open”
Rooney- “the seagulls are the worst, always around making that loud noise! Mine, mine mine!”
Mr Ringo- “much mouse action Rooney?”
Rooney- “a little but I keep it all in check, I get my snacks from the two legs who visit and sometimes from the yummy café’s delights!”
Mr Ringo- “Rooney you really are a rags to riches story! Or in your case a cardboard box to king of the village story! Meowsers, wowsers!”
Rooney- “you have done well too Ringo, from rescue to living with your own purrsonnal slave, to being CEO of Portsmouth Cat Sitting!”
Mr Ringo- “plans for the future Rooney?”
Rooney- “to be King of the Village and maybe run in the local elections in the Cat Purrty?”
Mr Ringo- “so cool dude! I’m going for world domination, after a nap of course and promotion of mandatory microchipping of all cats and free catnip to all feline!”
Rooney- “ you know Ringo, sometimes it’s just nice to just sit and watch the sea, with my beautiful view from the village and knock a few trains over in the village too”
Mr Ringo- “ok nice mewing with you Rooney! Meowsers out!”
Rooney- “bye Ringo, Purr on dude!”
Lots of love Rachel & Mr Ringo xx