Those of you that follow me will have noticed from this blog and many of my social media posts that I’m a bit of a bookworm especially books with a feline theme. Studying to eventually become a feline behaviourist has also enabled me to buy even more feline focused books, I could open a feline library! I will read academic cat books, fictional cat books (especially crime cozies), Japanese feline themed stories (often quite spiritual and different), non-fiction cat themed books and even the occasional children’s cat book. This year I have discovered a few feline literary delights which would make purrfect gifts for cat lovers and I’m going to mention two older books that I adore and have read more than once…..
The first on the list is newly published Cat Lady by Dawn O’Porter, this book is about a women and her beloved cat, this book will make you laugh out loud in places and be deeply touched in others. It mentions and brings into the story cat bereavement and how powerful animal loss can be and the need for it to be recognised more in society, cats are family after all. I was hooked by this book from the first page and couldn’t put it down, it’s a very human story also, not just about cats and it does contain scenes of a sexual nature (human not feline)……
Second on the list is Mala’s Cat by Mala Kacenberg, this is the moving true story of a young Jewish girl escaping the German Invasion of Poland by living alone in a forest with only a cat for company and surviving in the shadow of the Holocaust, gripping and often shocking, heartbreaking but definitely worth reading……
The Cat With Three Passports by CJ Fentiman is number three on my list, a story of working and travelling in Japan, of what happens when you are working and travelling in a foreign land and you find a homeless kitten which changes all your plans. This is a great read especially if you are interested in Japan, I really enjoyed the author’s writing and hope she writes more in the future….
Number four on my list is Homer’s Odyssey by great cat writer Gwen Cooper, this book came out over 10 years ago and I blame Gwen for my obsession for cat books. Homer’s Odyssey is the true story of a blind abandoned kitten who finds a wonderful home with Gwen who really didn’t want another cat and how they changed each other’s lives for the better, this is a great book that will melt your heart. Gwen has over the years been writing many more cat books and I love her style of writing and sense of humour, totally recommend her books.
Last but not least is Strays by Britt Collins, this book will hook you from the first chapter, a true story of a lost cat and a homeless man and their travels across America. This book tells you how inseparable these two become, helping each other heals scars from their past. I could tell you more but I don’t want to spoil the wonderful beautifully written book for you.
These books are all available from the usual places and all make fabulous pressies for cat loving bookworms….. beware you may want to read them before giving them as gifts 🙂
Please let me know if you read any of them and what you thought too.
Love & Purrs Rachel and Lola xxx