Back in July I told you all that sadly Mr Ringo had passed away, he was such a character and a big part of both myself and husband Tony’s life. We knew he would be a hard act to follow and we decided to wait and find another cat later in the year. Well after just 6 weeks we realised we hated not having a cat in the house and waiting a while just went out the window and off we went to see a cat that needed a home. Mr Ringo can never be replaced and we wanted a cat that was nothing like him and I think Lola will be fabulous.
Local cats rescue Portsmouth Lost and Found and Rehomed is a charity close to my heart and run by the wonderful Penny. Penny has helped me in the past with various cat issues and was my first place to look. Penny’s rescue is run by herself and an amazing group of volunteers in the Portsmouth area. Penny had a cat called Lola who had been found as a stray and had 4 kittens. As is often the way the kittens all found homes and no one seemed to want Mummy cat Lola. Lola needed to be an only cat as she didn’t appear to like male cats but was more tolerant of females. I suppose most of the people that would have had Lola, already had other cats, so it was hard to find her a forever home.

Well as soon as we met her, we knew she was going to be a little character, we had been warned she liked to swipe with her front paws and she greeted Tony with a good couple of left hooks but no claws! Tony is very calm with cats and he just stood there and didn’t react to the swipes…… and so after a while we took her home as a possible foster cat……
Foster cat! well we all knew how that would end……ummmmmm! I’m not sure I would make a good fosterer and there’s only so many cats I can fit into our average sized home!
And so began Miss Lola’s journey to her new home and she’s doing well. She’s so tiny and quiet compared to Mr Ringo and the vet has told us to get her weight up a bit, that won’t be hard as she loves food and also loves to play (especially swiping toys). She has taken an interest in most of Ringo’s old toys and lots of new ones too. We have put her on a high meat content food called Untamed and she loves it!
After a couple of days we knew she was here to stay and officially adopted her and promoted her to CEO of Portsmouth Cat Sitting, so you will see her pop up on the social media pages and my blog here… wish Lola good luck in her new home with us!
Until next time, love and purrs Rachel and Lola xxxx